The #1 LD College Guide - Providing up-to-date information necessary to find “best fit” placement for every child, regardless of any learning differences.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

IECA Conference

Great to see you all in Boston last week, although a few beloved faces were missing (Charlotte and Jill), and sorry to have missed many of you.  In case you were able to avoid me, I was holding down the fort in the vendor hall with our new project, College Supports for Learning Differences.  Jill Burstein and I have spent countless hours over the last year developing an extensive, in-depth database of colleges and universities throughout the U.S., which allows users to search by school name, size, service level, and location.  College provides the detailed, specific  information about programs that took hours and hours to gather, all located in one easy-to-access location.

We will be adding another search criteria for Spectrum disorder/Asperger programs, along with new colleges and other post-secondary programs in short order.  All information will be updated at least yearly, and more frequently if we find changes have occurred. If you have not had a chance, sign on to and sign up for a trial membership using the sign up button.  Remember, IECA members have a member benefit discounted rate of $99.00 for the year. 

Please let us hear your comments, requests and suggestions, and feel free to let us know any updated information you come across so we can keep the site as current as possible.  Our goal is to disseminate as much information as possible in a user-friendly format so that each student can make the best academic choices for his/her needs and find their best-fit college.

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